Industria Albisteak

Nola aukeratu kaiaren berdinketa egokia

Eraginkortasunaren eta segurtasunaren ikuspegitik, terminalen berdinketa funtsezkoa da terminalen eragiketetarako. Thekaiaren berdinketakargatzeko plataformaren eta kamioiaren arteko tartea zubitzeko diseinatuta dago, kargak, ekipoak eta langileak erraz eta segurtasunez joan-etorrian joan daitezen. Eskuina ezartzenkaiaren berdinketa for your typical load capacity and truck height is necessary for good loading and unloading operations. There are many options for kaiaren berdinketas to suit many different facilities and load requirements.

Pneumatikoakaiaren berdinketa

The aerodynamic leveler is a popular choice in many warehouses because it is simple, reliable and economical. Pneumatic kaiaren berdinketas have few moving parts and are easy to maintain, which are part of their low total cost of ownership. The current standard for kaiaren berdinketas was created by Kelley and uses airbag base leveling technology combined with button control to achieve better ergonomics and worker safety.

Eguzki mekanikoak eta eguzki mailak

For loading and unloading platforms without power, mechanical or solar levelers are the answer. The mechanical base loading and unloading platform is an economical choice for the standard base loading and unloading platform. They are operated by zipper springs. For higher-tech solutions, solar kaiaren berdinketas can be installed on loading docks without power sources. These devices are 100% off the grid through solar panels and rechargeable batteries to provide electricity for night use. The use of solar energy makes it easier for warehouse workers to operate the kaiaren berdinketa, while reducing overall energy costs.
Hidraulikoakaiaren berdinketa
Higher capacity loading docks benefit from stronger and more powerful equipment, and hydraulic kaiaren berdinketas meet the requirements. They are designed to handle the workload of higher capacity loading docks. The closed-loop hydraulic system simplifies the design and maintenance of these levelers. Push button operation is a standard feature of most hydraulic base straightening machines.

Biltegiratze bertikalakaiaren berdinketa

Klima-kontrolak, garbitasunak edo energia-eraginkortasunak berebiziko garrantzia duten instalazioetan, terminal-berdinketa hauek kanpoko oztopo gisa ere balio dezakete. Erabiltzen ez direnean, zuzentzaile horiek portuko atearen barruan posizio bertikalera igotzen dira, horrela beroa eta hotza barruko eta kanpoko inguruneen arteko transferentzia minimizatuz. Garbiketa eta mantentze lanetarako berdinketa hobira sarbide erraza izateko diseinatuta daude. Idealak dira hotz biltegiratzeko edo gela garbiko inguruneetarako.

Dock Leveler Edge (eskuz kargatzeko eta deskargatzeko plataforma)

For lightweight loading bays, the edge of the kaiaren berdinketa can be an economical choice. These devices do not require installation pits, but are installed on the edge of the dock. They replace portable printing plates, provide higher security, and are easier to install than other straightener systems. They are more suitable for docks with a fleet of captured trucks, or where the truck floor is 3 inches from the dock floor, because they have a limited range of service.
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